November 12, 2007

2007 November 12

Created by Joy Lynne 16 years ago
Dear Foster: It is almost the Thanksgiving Holiday and although I am thankful for all my blessings, it doesn't make me miss you any less. I am keeping in touch with LeAnn and her family and I know you would be pleased to know she and I have begun to know each other a lot better and have learned to love each other. Without you, it has been natural that we have bonded because your family was such a large part of who you were. I thank God for the time I had to spend with you. Some people go a lifetime and never have what we had. I know you are our guardian angel and keeping us safe and watching over us. We love and miss you. Your loving wife, Joy Lynne, your daughter LeAnn and granddaughters--Whitt and Britt.

