Thanksgiving 2009

2009 November 27

Created by Joy Lynne 14 years ago
Dearest Foster: This is the 3rd Thanksgiving without you and it seems unbelievable that so much time has gone by already. Every holiday we burn a candle for you, Stephanie and Debbie. Our hearts are broken without you and we feel the loss but God has blessed us with 3 new babies, little angels to bring joy into our lives. I have a little placque that was given to me when Stephanie was in intensive care 25 years ago and her doctor sent it to me. We sat there as young parents for 54 days watching her endure endless procedures and hoping for survival, but knowing God would take her anyway. It says" Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see". It is hard to accept that you are gone and I find myself missing the little things about you, your smile, your laugh, your wit, your charm, your heart! But I also know I have been blessed in my life and this Thanksgiving I am very grateful to have known a wonderful, special daughter with love for everyone in her heart and a beautiful heart to match, and to have known you - a best friend, a true companion, a lover, a soulmate, a husband. Most people go a lifetime and never have those things. Happy Thanksgiving, my love. May you and Stephanie watch over us and wait for me until we meet again one day in Heaven.

