November 15, 2009

2009 November 15

Created by Joy Lynne 14 years ago
Foster, do you know how very much I miss you? Do you know how much I wish you were here to hold my hand and help me through the hard times? I wish you were here to also share the blessings and and the good times. Life is so lonely. I have my family but it will never be the same, ever again. Time does help, but your heart never heals from the pain. When Stephanie died there was a hole in my heart and now that hole is bigger without you. People say go on and live your life but they can never know how hard that is. I will never love anyone the way I loved you. Our life together was star crossed and maybe it was only a short time on this earth, but we shared a love that most people go a lifetime and never know. When I look at these photos of you and the girls, I have to smile and picture the joy you always had when you were with them. Just know that I will always love you.
