biskitisthaname89 1st October 2012

Papaw! I know that you already know and that you've been watching over me through it all...but I have been through alot here lately. And while I'm working on myself to try and better myself and my life...I think about you every day! Whitt has my old room and Mom decided she wanted to paint and we had to take the stars off the ceiling...needless to say Whitt isn't too happy about it! But we're definitely going to put them back ASAP!! But anyway...I just posted all the most recent pictures I have of me and Whitt! We miss you like crazy Papaw. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you! I know you're up there watching over me and Whitt and Mom and keeping us safe. I can't wait until the day that you meet me at the pearly gates and I get to hug your neck and tell you how much I've missed you! I love listening to Gretchin Wilson because I can't help but smile!! But I'm gonna go for now Papaw...but never forever!! I know I was always your favorite grand-daughter...and I promise I still won't tell the others(: I love you with all my heart and soul! <3 Britt