biskitisthaname89 1st October 2012

PAPAW!!! Boy do I miss you!! Even though you already know..I've spend a lot of time here lately trying to mend everything I've done wrong. And it seems like matter what obstacle I come across..when things get hard the only person I ever seem to be able to turn to is YOU!! I wish soooo badly that you were here with me still..and I could just call your cell phone (621-3773..yes i still remember it!) and ask you what the best thing to do would be! Whitt is growing up soooo fast and it's getting harder and harder to keep up with her and make sure she does the right things! But I'm pretty sure that everything you ever told her has stuck with her and she uses your advice everyday!! I think about the old days all the time!! And I'm sooo glad that you worked sooo hard just to give us those memories to hold on to now that you're gone! I know I have made ALOT of wrong choices Papaw..but I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to make it all right..and I know you're right with me every step of the way! I love you Papaw and I know when I walk up to the pearly gates that you'll be there waiting for me..and it is going to be the most awesome feeling to be able to hug your neck again and see your smile! I love you sooooooo much..and I know I'm still favortist grand-daughter! (And I promise I still won't tell the others!!)