Happy 2nd Anniversary

2008 September 24

Created by Joy Lynne 15 years ago
My sweet husband: September 24th is our second anniversary and it is hard believe that you have been gone a year and a half. Time is supposed to make things easier but it only makes the aching loneliness fill my days and hours. I keep busy but I still miss you more than anyone will ever know. I miss the little things like your smile, your laughter, your smell, the touch of your hand. Those are things I hold in my heart and hope that I can always keep with me to hold you close to me. Yesterday I went to Aunt Maggie's funeral. She died on September 20, 2008 at 106 years of age. I cried because seeing a lot of your family members made me think of you and how lonesome it is here without you. Dying is not the hard part...it is the living that is hard. My brother and I spent Sunday together and we talked about you and about Debbie and about how we lost you both and now we just go on alone. It is hard to understand why some people live so long and others are taken away in the springtime of their lives. I guess we are not meant to understand. Just know with all my heart that I miss you and love you and cherish the time we did spend together. Whether we were married for four days, four months, four years, or four decades is immaterial. What matters is that we had the love we shared and had the happiness together that can never be replaced nor forgotten. I love you.
