clmoles 5th October 2007

It's still hard to believe that papaw is no longer with us. Over the past few weeks he has been on my mind a lot being that it is football season. Every time the phone rings before, during or after the game I somehow think it is him calling to cuss or discuss the game. We had our disagreements on a lot of things thru the years but Tennessee football was the one common denominator that we could always talk about in peace. To keep the phone call tradition alive and going I've talked to one of dad's best friends of all time Richard Bateson before the season opener with California and of course before the Florida game. Calling Richard was not anything that I planned or set out to do it just happened for whatever reason. I know every Saturday during football season and every other day thru the year he is looking down on us. Dad not a day goes by that I do not think about you whether it is football or not.... Love ya dad, Mark